10 Ways to Make Android Smarter

Many of these tips plan on accessories that run Jelly Bean and some plan on beforehand versions of Android. Since there are so abounding Android buzz models, names and diction may alter in some of these steps.

1. Easier Keyboarding
To abstain switching from Android's letter keyboard to its amount and attribute keyboard, authority down the aeon key to see frequently acclimated punctuation marks and symbols. Slide your feel to the card that appears, appropriation it to baddest the appropriate key. If you can't angle borer on bottle to blazon on a basic keyboard, try not appropriation your fingers as much. Abounding Android accessories arise preloaded with Swype, which lets you blazon by boring your feel from one letter to the next; lift your feel up if the chat ends. It's appreciably accurate. To see if Swype is active on your device, spell out a chat after appropriation your finger. If abutting curve don't arise amid anniversary letter, tap and authority the amplitude bar to see the Baddest Input Method awning and accept Swype. You can still blazon the old way, borer one key at a time.

2. Alleviate With Your Face
Instead of archetype a arrangement on a awning or accounting in a PIN, authority your Android accessory up and beam into its front-facing camera for a additional to alleviate it. This isn't as defended as added methods and doesn't consistently work, but it can be fun to use. To set this up go to Settings, Security, Awning Lock and accept Face Unlock. Set a advancement PIN or arrangement to trace for those moments if face apprehension doesn't work.

3. Awning Shots Made Simple
Capture a still angel of any awning you're searching at by accompanying acute the ability button and the aggregate down button. Acquisition your awning attempt in your Gallery beneath Screenshots or in the Notifications shade, which pulls down from the top of the screen. This affection alone works in Android accessories active Ice Cream Sandwich or later.

4. Manage Screens
In Android, app icons and widgets are organized on several Home screens. There are two means to adapt or abolish these screens. One way on assertive phones is to bash from appropriate to larboard to get to the endure awning on your phone, tap at the basal of that endure awning (an advantage may say Manage Pages) and again blow and authority a awning to adapt its adjustment or abolish it. For a shortcut, tap and authority the phone's Home button for a additional to jump anon to this.

5. Adjustment to Contacts
There's an easier way to get in blow with your admired people: Pin their faces to a Home screen. Go to All Apps, Widgets, baddest the Acquaintance widget, which will alert you to accept a person's name from your contacts list. That person's photo and acquaintance advice will be affianced to Home, for faster texting, calling and amusing networking. A Admired Contacts accoutrement pins four calm on the Home screen.

6. Save the Array With a Widget
Stop digging through airheaded to bound about-face off appearance that blot up your battery. One apparatus will do the trick: the Ability Control widget. Acquisition this by aperture the All Apps page and borer Widgets at the top. You may accept to cast through a few screens to acquisition the Ability Control widget, but if you do, tap and authority it to ballast it on any of your pages. Already this bar is on a page, it will let you tap already to about-face 5 appearance on or off: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, automated annual syncing (for Google,Facebook,LinkedIn and others) and awning accuracy (low, medium, top or auto).

7. Auto-Update Apps
Avoid the acrimonious amend notices that arise in your drop-down Notifications adumbration and set your apps to automatically amend as updates become available. If you're afraid about attention data, set this to amend alone over Wi-Fi. Accessible the Google Play store, Settings, Auto-Update Apps by Absence and analysis the Wi-Fi option.

8. Sync Photos and Videos on the Go
If you've active up for Google's amusing network, Google+, you can automatically save any photos or videos you abduction on your accessory to a clandestine (by default) binder in Google+ alleged Instant Upload. See these aback at your desktop by accessing Google+ and searching at Photos, Instant Upload. (Videos are there, too.) Conserve abstracts acceptance by adjusting if these photos and videos get uploaded, like alone in Wi-Fi or alone if the accessory is acquainted in and charging. Adjust these settings from your adaptable accessory in Google+, Settings, Instant Upload.

9. Smarter Web Browsing
Google's Chrome browser comes preloaded on Android accessories and works on PC or Mac computers, iPads, iPhones and added devices. If you own a few accessories and use Chrome on each, instantly admission the tabs you larboard accessible on one from addition accessory by borer Menu, Added Accessories and borer on an opened website in addition device's annual of opened tabs. Browse in Chrome after abrogation any history by application Incognito Mode on your Android adaptable device. About-face this on in Menu, New Incognito Tab.

10. Aback Up and Restore Settings, Apps
If you're advance from one Android accessory to another, you can alpha application your new accessory with your old settings and apps if you chase these steps.
First, on the old device, go to Settings, Privacy Settings (for accessories active Android adaptation 2) or Settings, Advancement and Reset (for accessories active Android adaptation 4 or 5). Place a analysis mark beside the A back Up My Abstracts option. Give it a few account to a back up and again if you alpha the new Android device, a bureaucracy advantage will let you restore settings and apps from backup.

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